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The tech landscape has witnessed significant changes in recent years, evolving rapidly and demanding businesses to adapt swiftly. One of the most prominent shifts in this arena is the rising preference for low-code and no-code solutions. This shift isn’t just a fleeting trend; it’s a transformative approach, reshaping how companies, including those in Germany, think about software development.

Navigating the Complexities of Modern Software Development

Historically, companies heavily invested in on-premise infrastructure, roping in skilled developers to craft applications tailored to their needs. However, as we at PL Talents, a recruitment agency in tech in Germany, have observed, new trends are significantly influencing hiring criteria and team composition. These changes are predominantly fuelled by the emerging paradigms of low-code and no-code development.

Low-code vs No-code: Unravelling the Nuances

At a cursory glance, the concepts of low-code and no-code might appear intertwined, often leading to confusion. While both aim to simplify the software development process and hasten deployment, they cater to different audience sets and come with their unique sets of advantages.

No-code platforms

primarily serve the business users or citizen developers. It’s tailored for those who might not possess extensive programming experience. Platforms like these offer the promise of instant solutions, enabling users to hit the ground running. However, they can be somewhat restrictive, making customisation or addressing specific challenges a tad cumbersome.

Top-10 no-code platforms:

  1. webflow: Empowers users to build professional websites without coding. It supports diverse web projects from SaaS websites to ecommerce stores.
  2. bravo: Enables conversion of Figma or Adobe XD designs into native apps for iOS and Android. Users can test and publish apps directly from Bravo.
  3. mailchimp: An all-in-one marketing platform that facilitates collecting customer information, conducting surveys, launching social campaigns, and more.
  4. parabola: Eases the process of integrating data into automations and connecting apps, with a drag-and-drop interface for automating data-related tasks.
  5. voiceflow: Offers a platform for creating voice apps without code. Its drag-and-drop blocks facilitate building logic and structure for voice apps on various platforms.
  6. bubble: Allows users to build apps visually without programming knowledge. It provides components to assemble and launch fully functioning products, from dashboards to social networks.
  7. makerpad: A hub for no-code resources including tutorials, tools, and case studies. They provide education and support to startups and entrepreneurs with no-code solutions.
  8. stage: Designed for those with no design or coding experience, Stage provides a visual interface with templates for app creation, facilitating customisation and team collaboration.
  9. airtable: Combines the functionality of spreadsheets with database capabilities, allowing for versatile data organisation and collaboration without complex formulas.
  10. coda: Aims to centralise workflows by merging spreadsheets, apps, and databases into a unified document. Its system allows integration with platforms like Slack and Google Calendar.

Low-code platforms

on the other hand, bridge the gap between traditional and modern software development methods. They cater not just to regular business users but are also a boon for professional developers. These platforms offer a more balanced approach, granting speed without compromising on depth. While they provide the convenience of drag-and-drop functionalities, they don’t limit developers, enabling them to input custom codes when necessary.

Top-10 low-code platforms:

  1. visual lansa: Known for its “Low Code >> High Control” tagline, Visual LANSA is a platform that makes application development simpler and faster. It offers a powerful IDE, broadens developer productivity, and can be used across various platforms including IBMi, Windows, and the web.
  2. feathery: Sporting the tagline “Powerful form builder for product teams”, Feathery is a dynamic low-code form builder. It has an intuitive interface and over 5,000 integrations, making it a preferred choice for creating in-app flows and forms without needing developers.
  3. zoho creator: “Build, Integrate, Extend” is Zoho Creator’s mantra. This cross-platform app builder helps in swift development of native mobile apps. With its presence in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for LCAP 2020, Zoho Creator stands out for creating low-code applications effectively.
  4. the m-power development platform: With a bold statement of “Low-code. No Limits”, m-Power provides a holistic development platform that integrates low-code development, business intelligence, and more. It’s a versatile tool designed to adapt to varied business and application needs.
  5. creatio: Labelled as “one platform to automate industry workflows and CRM with no code”, Creatio merges low-code and no-code under one umbrella. The platform focuses on swift, drag-and-drop development, ensuring even non-tech users can build powerful applications with ease.
  6. genexus: Genexus, with its tagline “Software that makes software”, is a platform known for its AI-based automatic software generation. Its versatility lets it cater to a variety of platforms, ensuring rapid development with minimal manual intervention.
  7. A platform where you can “Get online fast with our easy website builder”, offers a range of templates and a drag-and-drop builder, making website creation a breeze for novices.
  8. ui bakery: Emphasising its capability to “Build beautiful internal tools in minutes”, UI Bakery focuses on providing visual tools for building web apps on top of existing data sources. Its fair pricing model for unlimited end-users makes it a go-to for SMBs.
  9. strikingly: “Make a Website in Minutes” is Strikingly’s promise. This platform is one of the simplest website builders available, offering a vast template library, analytics, and a user-friendly interface for non-developers.
  10. jotform: Best known for low-code app development, Jotform is an intuitive platform that lets you create apps via drag-and-drop. Its flexibility, coupled with 300+ app templates, makes app development and customisation a smooth process for all.

Why the Buzz Around Low-code and No-code?

The world of software development, traditionally known for its complexities, often hindered businesses that couldn’t afford hefty investments or dedicated tech teams. The low-code and no-code solutions promise to level the playing field. Here are some reasons driving their popularity:

  1. Accelerated Development and Deployment: With these platforms, businesses can significantly reduce the time taken to move from conceptualisation to deployment, sometimes crafting applications in mere hours or days.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: While traditional coding often demands significant upfront investment, low-code and no-code platforms often prove to be more economical in the long run.
  3. Democratisation of App Development: About 60% of custom enterprise apps are being built outside IT departments. With platforms like these, more employees, even those without technical backgrounds, can contribute to the app development process.
  4. Addressing Skill Gaps: A common challenge that many companies, including those in Germany, face is the scarcity of skilled IT talent. These platforms offer a respite, allowing businesses to compensate for this shortage.

Strategically Adopting the Right Approach

The choice between low-code and no-code isn’t black and white. It’s driven by a company’s unique requirements. Critical applications that lie at the heart of business operations might benefit from a low-code approach, allowing for depth and complexity. In contrast, more straightforward, front-facing applications might find their match in no-code platforms.

Furthermore, transitioning to these platforms requires more than just a shift in tools. Businesses must:

  • Evaluate Compatibility: How well does the new platform mesh with the existing tech stack?
  • Upskill Teams: A brief training can ensure a smoother transition, equipping teams to harness the platform’s full potential.
  • Future-proof Solutions: The tech landscape is dynamic. Any platform adopted today should be scalable and flexible, ready to evolve with emerging trends.

PL Talents’ Observations in the Tech Recruitment Landscape

In our interactions and engagements at PL Talents, we’ve noted an increasing emphasis on these newer development methodologies. Companies are actively looking for professionals familiar with low-code and no-code platforms. This shift is not only influencing recruitment processes but also prompting businesses to rethink team compositions, training programmes, and broader IT strategies.


The software development realm is undergoing a transformative phase, driven by the promises of agility, efficiency, and democratization offered by low-code and no-code platforms. As businesses continue to pivot and adapt, one thing is evident: these platforms, with their unique strengths, are set to play pivotal roles in shaping the future of software development.

If you are looking for traditional developers or experts in other tech roles, we can help! Speak to a member of the PL Talents team today.