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According to the report by Information, OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot ChatGPT, is planning to launch an app store for AI software. The marketplace would enable developers to sell their own AI models built on OpenAI’s technology.

AI frenzy

The use of ChatGPT by enterprise customers has been widespread, with many tailoring the technology to suit their specific needs. These range from identifying financial fraud through online transaction data to providing market insights based on internal documents. The proposed marketplace would allow developers to offer their customized models to other businesses.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman apparently discussed these plans during a meeting with developers in London. The marketplace, if realised, could potentially compete with existing app stores run by companies such as Salesforce, Apple and Microsoft. Moreover, it could expand OpenAI’s customer base by making its technology more accessible to a wider audience.

The Information’s report also mentioned that two of OpenAI’s customers, Aquant and Khan Academy, expressed interest in offering their AI models powered by ChatGPT on the marketplace. Aquant specialises in software that guides customers through device maintenance and repairs, while Khan Academy focuses on educational applications.

ChatGPT has gained significant traction since its launch. It has attracted hundreds of businesses that leverage its capabilities to automate tasks and enhance operational efficiency. As companies race to provide their customers with cutting-edge tools based on advanced large language models (LLMs), OpenAI’s app store could serve as a platform for further innovation and adoption.

If the marketplace comes to fruition, it has the potential to revolutionise the AI software ecosystem by providing developers with a dedicated platform to showcase and distribute their AI models.

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