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Technical interviews are not as scary as they seem. You just need to remember…these 27 points.

Let’s dive into part 2, and don’t forget to check out Part 1, if you haven’t already.

Mistake #16: Failure to Mention the Application

Explain how your skills will benefit the company. Demonstrate your understanding of how you can contribute to the organization’s success.

Mistake #17: Sticking to Technical Part

Highlight your other relevant skills, such as time management and problem-solving abilities. Employers seek candidates who can work collaboratively.

Mistake #18: Dressing Sense & Arriving on Time

Make a positive first impression by dressing professionally and arriving on time. Punctuality and a well-groomed appearance reflect your respect for the company and the interviewer.

Mistake #19: Avoid Using Phone

Switch off or silence your phone during the interview. Avoid distractions that may convey a lack of interest and focus.

Mistake #20: A Second Chance With the Interviewer

Consider sending a thank-you email after the interview to express your gratitude and interest in the position. Sometimes, this small gesture can make a difference.

Mistake #21: Appearance

Present yourself professionally to make a lasting impression on the interviewer. This is not just about dressing appropriately, but also how you conduct yourself. Don’t go overboard trying to be someone you are not, but keep in mind that you are here to get hired, not tell the best jokes (unless you feel it would be appropriate in the setting).

Mistake #22: Arrogance

Confidence is valuable, but avoid coming across as arrogant. Employers seek team players who can collaborate effectively.

Mistake #23: Overemphasising Skills

While technical skills are important, emphasize how you can serve the organization’s needs rather than solely focusing on your expertise.

Mistake #24: Lack of Interest

Show enthusiasm by asking questions and showing interest in the company and industry. Avoid appearing disinterested or unprepared.

Mistake #25: Too Eager for Perks

Save questions about benefits and perks for a later discussion with HR. Focus on your qualifications and how you can contribute to the company during the interview.

Mistake #26: Too Negative

Avoid dwelling on negative experiences during interviews. Stay positive and focus on your strengths and accomplishments.

Mistake #27: Failure to Close

Finish the interview on a strong note by expressing your interest in the company and the position. Show enthusiasm and confidence in your ability to contribute effectively.

In conclusion, technical interviews can be challenging, but by avoiding these common mistakes and showcasing your skills and enthusiasm, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and increase your chances of success. At PL Talents, we believe in empowering candidates to excel in their interviews and land their dream jobs. With our expertise and insights, we aim to guide you towards a successful and fulfilling career. Good luck!

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