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In today’s tech landscape, the demand for agility, scalability, and efficiency has never been higher. Traditional methods of managing infrastructure are under increasing scrutiny, as the tech world looks for ways to conceptualise, deploy, and manage IT infrastructure more effectively. 

In this article we’ll explore one of the ways in which this is being achieved, termed “Infrastructure as Code” or “IaC”. 

What is Infrastructure as Code? 

At its core, Infrastructure as Code is a methodology that treats infrastructure—the servers, networks, databases, and other components—as programmable code. Rather than relying on manual processes and configuration, IaC leverages the principles of software development to automate and streamline the provisioning and management of infrastructure.  

Before Infrastructure as Code (IaC) became prevalent, infrastructure management relied heavily on manual processes. This involved hands-on configuration of servers, networks, and components, often using command-line interfaces or graphical interfaces. Automation existed through custom scripts, but they lacked standardisation and flexibility. Application deployment and scaling were human-driven, leading to inconsistencies and slower development cycles. Configuration management tools required manual intervention, and managing dependencies was challenging. Documentation served as the primary reference, but it risked becoming outdated. The manual nature resulted in time-consuming updates, limited scalability, and dependency challenges, hindering efficiency and agility. 

Whilst Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is by no means a new invention, it has been catalysed by the explosion of cloud computing. But before we explore the present state, let’s examine the history  

The roots of IaC 

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) originated in the mid-2000s, gaining prominence as organisations sought efficient and scalable ways to manage infrastructure, especially with the rise of cloud computing platforms.  

Early tools like Puppet and Chef, developed around 2005-2006, paved the way for IaC by automating server configuration. Over time, the landscape evolved with the emergence of tools such as Ansible, Terraform, and cloud provider-specific solutions, further enhancing IaC practices.  

The adoption of DevOps principles and the demand for dynamic, scalable infrastructure in cloud environments have fueled the continued growth of IaC.  

Benefits of Implementing Infrastructure as Code 

Infrastructure as Code offers a multitude of benefits that enhance operational efficiency, risk reduction security and knowledge transfer, among many others. 

Through automation, IaC streamlines the configuration of environments, enabling idempotency. In other words, if the same IaC script or configuration is applied repeatedly, it will produce the same outcome as if it were applied just once. For example, if an IaC script is designed to create a specific server configuration, making repeated executions of that script will not result in unintended changes or configurations. Idempotency helps prevent unnecessary modifications and reduces the risk of configuration drift, making it a key principle in IaC design. 

IaC provides enhanced consistency and predictability in the deployment and configuration of infrastructure. The risk of human errors in configurations is significantly minimised, promoting enhanced software uptime. IaC significantly reduces costs by leveraging pay-as-you-go cloud services instead of maintaining physical data centres.  

Furthermore, IaC serves as comprehensive documentation, aiding in infrastructure instantiation, and proves valuable for knowledge transfer within teams. 

Challenges of IaC 

Despite the vast array of benefits, implementation of Infrastructure as Code presents some key challenges that require careful consideration. 

Firstly, there’s a learning curve associated with adopting new languages and tools like YAML, JSON, or domain-specific languages. Selecting the right IaC tool can be daunting due to the variety available, each with its own strengths and complexities.  

Maintaining IaC scripts over time poses another challenge, requiring constant updates to match evolving infrastructure needs. Integration with existing systems and workflows, especially those reliant on traditional configurations, can be complex. Effective testing strategies are crucial to guarantee the reliability and correctness of IaC scripts.  

Collaboration becomes essential in coordinating changes made by multiple team members and managing version control. Scalability is a concern to ensure IaC can handle growing infrastructure requirements. Finally, there’s often a need for a cultural shift within organisations to embrace the concept of treating infrastructure as code, challenging traditional approaches to infrastructure management. 

Implementation and Tools 

For a gradual adoption of IaC, start with small, well-defined projects to build expertise gradually. Control the process by using version control systems like Git, which helps track changes and enables rollbacks if necessary.  

There are two different approaches to Infrastructure as Code: Declarative and Imperative. Declarative IaC describes the desired end state without specifying the steps to achieve it, promoting simplicity and predictability. Imperative IaC outlines the step-by-step procedures for achieving the desired state, offering more control and flexibility. When choosing between declarative and imperative approaches, consider team preferences and project requirements.  

Tool Recommendations, based on the desired approach: 


For beginners, Terraform is often recommended due to its human-readable, declarative configuration files. Terraform is used for defining and orchestrating the provisioning of infrastructure resources such as virtual machines, networks, and databases. It supports multiple cloud platforms and manages the entire infrastructure lifecycle. 

Puppet is often used in conjunction with Terraform. It’s used primarily as a configuration management tool. It handles tasks such as installing software, managing files, and ensuring specific settings on servers. 


When a more hands on, step-by-step approach is desirable, there are a range of tools which are considered imperative IaC tools. Within the AWS ecosystem, there exists AWS CloudFormation. This tool focuses on automation, testing, and deployment, supporting continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices. 

Chef Infra excels in automating configuration management by utilising reusable policies as code, ensuring a consistent and repeatable environment.  

Finally, a number of open source Python tools are available. For example, Ansible is versatile in its ability to handle configuration, provisioning, and automation tasks across diverse environments. Similarly, SaltStack specialises in remote task execution and configuration management, offering flexibility and scalability in managing infrastructure in various scenarios. 


Looking ahead, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is poised for several key developments. Higher-level abstractions and domain-specific languages will emerge to address the escalating complexity of resource relationships, enhancing readability and maintainability. The GitOps methodology, coupled with deeper integration into CI/CD pipelines, will gain prominence, fostering collaboration and version control.  

With the rise of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies, IaC tools are anticipated to offer seamless deployment across diverse cloud environments. Security features will be enhanced to meet evolving threats, and the integration of machine learning for automation is on the horizon, promising more adaptive and optimised infrastructure management.  

These trends collectively signify an ongoing effort to streamline IaC practices, making them more responsive and efficient in managing modern, intricate infrastructure setups. 

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