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In a recent capital round, Berlin-based Recare, known for its health tech solutions, has successfully raised €3.2 million. This funding, combined with a €2 million loan facilitated by Gilion, aims to enhance Recare’s SaaS platform. The platform significantly eases the transition of patients from hospitals to aftercare providers. Recare’s initiative arrives at a pivotal moment in Germany’s healthcare digitalisation, especially with the Hospital Future Act’s final phase looming. The Act promotes digitization to boost hospital efficiency.

Company mission

Recare’s goal is to revolutionise discharge management by leveraging technology to minimize administrative burdens in healthcare.

We refuse the status quo of the healthcare system in Germany, or even Europe, where filling, scanning and faxing dozens of forms every single day for patients is still the norm,

Maximilian Greschke, Recare’s CEO and founder.

His vision is to streamline processes, making them faster and more secure through technology, thereby allowing healthcare professionals to concentrate on patient care rather than paperwork.

Since its inception in 2017, Recare has emerged as a leading figure in Germany’s digital discharge management. It operates as a neutral marketplace, facilitating the connection between hospitals and a wide network of aftercare providers. Currently, the platform boasts a network comprising 700 acute hospitals, 650 rehabilitation clinics, and over 24,000 other care providers, including medical suppliers and homecare companies. To date, more than 300,000 patients have experienced quicker aftercare transitions through Recare.

Industry impact

Recare’s efforts are recognized not only for its platform’s ease of use in a complex, regulated environment but also for its contribution towards meeting Germany’s health sector digitization goals. Mariam Koorang, General Manager for Germany at Gilion, praised Recare’s achievements, highlighting its “great technical ability and first-hand industry expertise.” She also noted the company’s “robust, sustained, and predictable growth,” emphasizing its vital role in the digital transformation of Germany’s healthcare system.

The company’s journey reflects a broader shift in healthcare towards efficiency and patient-focused care, marking a significant step forward in overcoming traditional administrative challenges. Recare, with its fresh capital and strategic vision, is well-positioned to lead this change, making a substantial impact on the health tech landscape in Germany and potentially beyond.

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