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Germany is simplifying the process for international tech talent to obtain work visas. The changes to Skilled Immigration Act (approved in March 2023) aim to address the shortage of skilled workers in the country’s technology sector. The amendments will make it easier for non-EU nationals with tech expertise to live and work in Germany.

This move comes in response to the growing demand for highly skilled professionals in areas such as data science, artificial intelligence, and software development. The German government recognises the need to attract top talent from around the world to foster innovation and drive economic growth.

What does this mean for tech companies in Germany?

Under the new rules, companies will have more flexibility in hiring non-EU tech professionals. The current requirement of proving that there are no suitable candidates from within the EU will be relaxed. Employers will no longer need to prove that they have made significant efforts to hire locally before considering non-EU applicants. This change is expected to streamline the hiring process and make it more efficient for companies seeking to bring in international tech talent.

Relocating to a different country can present certain challenges, but it also offers a valuable chance to immerse oneself in a different culture. In the past, Germany used to categorise individuals moving from outside the EU for work as “Gastarbeiter” or “guest workers.”

As part of the new system, a component known as the “chancenkarte” or “opportunity card” will be implemented. This card establishes the entry criteria using a points-based system that considers factors such as vocational training or a degree, experience, and age.

Applicants who meet the required points threshold will be granted the opportunity to search for employment in Germany. The government will allocate a specific number of these cards annually.

The German government’s efforts to attract international tech talent are expected to benefit both businesses and the overall economy. The increased availability of skilled workers will help companies fill critical roles, boosting their productivity and competitiveness. It will also contribute to knowledge sharing and cross-cultural collaboration.

PL Talents welcomes these changes and is already aware of top candidates who would be a great fit for companies’ data or software teams. We are excited about the opportunities this presents for our clients and look forward to connecting them with highly skilled international tech professionals. With simplified visa processes and lowered salary thresholds, Germany is positioning itself as an attractive destination for global tech talent.

If you are looking for your next talent hire in data or software, get in touch with us today.