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What makes a good leader in Data? What makes a good leader in general?

In our 17th episode of #dataunplugged, I had the pleasure to discuss Ellen Königs – currently the Head of Engineering at alcemy – journey
from individual contributor to leader and what she thinks makes a good leader.

What did we discuss? 👇

– 00:34 – Introducing Ellen.

– 01:14 – Starting off in a leadership position.

– 04:54 – Challenges faced as a leader.

– 07:29 – How dopes one transition into a leadership position?

– 11:14 – How to keep your data team motivated?

– 16:49 – Disagreements with top management.

– 18:44 – Conflict resolutions within the team.

– 25:04 – Attracting and retaining talent.

– 33:44 – Advice to aspiring leaders.

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