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Danish pensions giant ATP has awarded a major six-year IT contract to German software firm SAP. This marks a significant shift from its long-standing partner KMD. The deal is valued at €45.6 million with a two-year extension option.

A strategic partnership for future-proof technology

Under the agreement, SAP will take over operation and development of ATP’s central SAP platform, a crucial foundation for the organization’s core business and security. “SAP solutions are currently operated by KMD,” acknowledged ATP Lifelong Pension manager, highlighting the transition.

About SAP

Founded in Germany, SAP is a global leader in enterprise software solutions, empowering businesses worldwide to manage operations and client relationships effectively. With over 111,000 employees and regional offices in 180 countries, SAP boasts extensive experience and a proven track record in supporting complex organizations like ATP.

Moving towards a cloud-based future

Haktan Bulut, ATP’s chief IT officer, expressed optimism about the deal’s potential to enhance digitization and optimize service delivery. “We’re thrilled to secure this agreement for operating and evolving our SAP systems,” he stated, emphasizing the focus on “effective welfare for Danes.”

Embracing the cloud and future-proofing operations

The contract includes migrating existing SAP solutions to the cloud-based SAP S/4HANA platform, ensuring greater scalability and agility. Bulut described this migration as “timely care” for ATP’s future, enabling faster adaptation to legislative changes and new benefit schemes.

Shifting gears after a rocky past

The move to SAP comes after a tumultuous period with KMD, marked by a public dispute over service delays that culminated in a court case. While ATP’s capacity agreement with KMD remains in effect until 2026, the organization felt a new approach was necessary for its evolving needs.

This partnership marks a significant step forward for ATP in its quest for continuous improvement and future-proofing its vital pension services. With SAP’s expertise and cloud-based solutions, ATP aims to deliver optimal welfare for Danes. At the same time it will focus on remaining agile and adaptable in the ever-changing landscape of digital services.

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