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Adon Health, a Munich-based health tech startup, has successfully secured a high six-figure pre-seed financing round. Founded in late 2023 by Maximilian Schubert and Dr. med. Jonathan Apasu, both former McKinsey colleagues, the company aims to transform male healthcare. Their approach includes fast, digital, and medically sophisticated access to testosterone replacement therapies. This innovative venture is driven by a mission to revolutionize healthcare services and preventive medicine for men.

Adon Health’s initial funding was led by Backbone Ventures, a Swiss VC firm. Contributions also came from the Atomico Angel Programme and several business angels. These investors bring vast experience in building businesses within the European healthcare and consumer ecosystems. Following a successful closed-beta phase, Adon recently launched its platform in the German market, quickly gaining traction.

Addressing a widespread health issue

Testosterone deficiency, impacting up to 40% of men over 45, remains critically underserved in Europe. Despite its prevalence, awareness and access to care lag significantly behind, especially compared to advances in the US. “We see an opportunity to bring an enhanced healthcare offering appropriate for the 21st century to millions of patients,” stated Maximilian Schubert, Co-Founder of Adon Health. The startup’s platform simplifies the care experience by allowing patients to manage their health digitally, integrating services from laboratories, doctors, and pharmacies in Germany.

The digital revolution in male healthcare

Adon Health’s model stands out for its patient-centric approach, especially for complex health issues like testosterone deficiency. Long waits for therapy, unequal access to specialists, and the necessity for multiple tests and doctor visits exemplify the challenges patients face.

During our interactions with patients, we observed the grave issues complex patient journeys can cause for affected people,

Dr. med. Jonathan Apasu, co-founder of Adon Health

The company’s initiative represents a significant step towards more accessible, high-quality medical care in Europe.

The future of healthcare

With men’s average life expectancy lagging behind women’s by nearly five years, the necessity for improved healthcare services is evident. Studies show a marked disparity in health service utilization between genders, underscoring the need for initiatives like Adon Health’s. The company’s digital care model, endorsed by a board of medical experts, promises to streamline patient experiences. “The healthcare ecosystem has been evolving in recent years… These factors create opportunities to reinvent healthcare as we know it and bring it into the digital age,” added Dr. Jan Claudio Muñoz, Partner at Backbone Ventures. Adon Health’s vision extends beyond testosterone deficiency, aiming to innovate and enhance healthcare standards for men across Europe.

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